Tuesday, December 15, 2015

3D Animation Careers (Professional Article Review)

          This article was about the careers and opportunities that a 3D modeler has when they are adults. It covers what a 3D modeler is, the jobs for 3D modelers, the salaries, how to become a modeler, and the new job trends for modelers.

          Some claims that the author makes are about the trends and what is needed to become a modeler. One claim is "3D modeling is a highly specialized field. As such, there is a high demand for 3D modelers in all industries." and to back it up, they use statistics saying that the job need for modelers will grow from 8% to 14%. Another claim is 3D modelers must have advanced math and computer skills. Other skills may be required depending on where the 3D modeler works." and backs it up by giving examples like "3D modelers in the film or video game industry must have above average creative and design skills, while 3D modelers in scientific fields may have a strong background in any given area of science."

          The article's strengths are using good examples and having their information backed up. I also thought that the fun fact at the bottom of the page was cool. The article is also well written. Even though it is well written, the article is very brief and I think that it should have more examples and more claims and evidence in their article. Also, I think that the article should be more specific on the ways to become a 3D modeler. I felt that the sentences weren't specific and just gave a general idea of it. This could also go for the entire article.

          I think that the author supports the main points. The author makes their claims short and to the point. The evidence is also convincing and if I were not an animator in learning, I would consider becoming an animator myself. I thought the article was well written and was eligible for everyone to read. I think ages 10 and up could read this article really easily because they did not use big words or words that were hard to understand.

          Overall, I thought this article was okay. This was not the best article I have read but it was brief and to the point which I like. I think that the article could be a bit more specific and have more claims and evidence but did an okay job overall.

Link to article: http://www.animationcareerreview.com/articles/3d-modeler-career-profile

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